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Monday 7 July 2014

Book Review Monday - Summerita Rhayne

Hi everyone. Welcome to book review Monday. Today I have a review from the lovely Summerita Rhayne. So I will leave you in her very capable hands.

#Review of Woman in a Sheikh’s World by Sarah Morgan #HarlequinBooks

Check out the cover of the book and an excerpt here

HI Jessica! Thanks for having me on your blog.  Today, I’ll discuss Sarah Morgan’s book Woman in a Sheikh’s World. I'm going to review the book and touch on what I enjoyed as a reader and what as a writer I think, can be taken from it.

My Review

I loved, loved, loved this book. There are so many things to like in this book. The setting in the desert. The very first line (as you can read in the excerpt) begins with the depiction of the setting so you get a taste of what you come even though you’re not in the desert right then. And when you go into the desert with the characters later on, it seems a natural follow-up and no surprise. The heroine's love of the desert has been blended into the story and brought out especially in the end in a very emotional way, which makes you feel even closer to the setting!

The glamour in this Harlequin is provided in the form of a Sheikh Prince and the heroine’s career. She’s a party planner. I love how her career sets off her character.

Both the characters have such a lot that you root for. Their conflicts are strongly built. At no moment you feel the conflict slapped into the story. It’s built into the characters and every moment you can relate to the feeling.

Very well done, one of Sarah’s finest and definitely a book to pick up. The only thing I could find to nitpick was a bit of mystery that the author kept about the girl's past. I guessed it, so the suspense seemed slightly overdone to me as it was kept from the reader till the very end. I felt if it had been disclosed earlier it wouldn’t have detracted from the story. But that's my view.

What I as a writer got out of this story

As they say, easy reading is hard writing. And Sarah Morgan has obviously worked very hard to make this story credible and alive.

The #first thing I realized is important while reading this was #know your characters. The more thoroughly you know them, the clearer you can depict their motivations and the more logical their actions turn out to be.

#secondly, #blend your setting into the story. As I mentioned earlier, the setting has been used powerfully. It is not just the place where the story occurs but also important in hero’s background and even plays a part in their conflict. So make use of the setting well. If it is depicted well and used as an integral part of character building, the setting becomes a character in itself. Can you think of a book where setting affected you as much as the characters? Do share in the comments.

The #next thing is #dialogue. SM writes great dialogues. The conversation shows us, without telling, that the characters are smart, savvy yet vulnerable because of their feelings. That kind of readability definitely puts an edge in your writing.


So, if you've read the book, do you agree with my summing up?

What are you reading now or have read recently? If you're an author this question is for you. What did you pick out from it? Do share anything you found useful in your writing.

Thanks again for hosting me, Jessica. Lovely to visit you and share my love of reading and writing with your blog readers and friends :)

Thanks for popping by and giving such a detailed review Summerita.

I hope you enjoyed reading the review too. If you have read the book, please feel free to leave your comments about your views on the book.

Until next time, take care.



  1. Thanks for hosting Jessica. I enjoyed writing this post :)
